Friday, June 20, 2008

EGD's birth story

So I think I should post our story of how Emma Grace entered this world. I started this blog after she was here so I did not get to post about it. was November 11, 2007 and Tim and I had gone to bed. I was woken up around 10:30 p.m. with a very sharp pain in my belly (it was a contraction but I had no idea). I decided to head to the restroom since I was feeling something I had not felt all pregnancy. Once I sat on the toilet my water broke! I was very confused becuase Emma still had 5 weeks of "baking" to do in me until it was time for her to come out. I woke up Tim and told him I think my water broke and I was going to call the doctor on call. I called and got the answering service and left a message. 20 minutes later I got the call back from Dr. Zimmerman (the best OB in the world!). He said to me, very casually, "yep, sounds like you ruptured your membranes, come on in". I am freaking out. I wake up Tim and tell him the doctor said to come on it. I will never forget that LONG ride to the hospital. My contractions were coming every 3-4 minutes and I prayed the whole time asking God to make sure Emma was healthy before she came into the world. So we got to the hospital and the nurse took me into the triage area. She asked me lots of questions and confirmed my water had broke. She confirmed and admitted me (and this whole time my contractions were getting worse and closer together). Tim went off and made the appropriate phone my mom and his mom and we got in our room. Dr. Zimmerman came in and checked me and told me I was 2 cm dialated (I think this was around 12:30 a.m. or so) and reassured me that little girls do very well around 35 weeks and not to worry. They took my labs and I had to wait about an hour for the labs to come back before I got the epidural :( BUT...once I got the epidural, I was good to go! They checked me again after the epidural was in and I was at 8 cm (you need to be at 10 cm to push)!! Wow, this was going fast! My mom had made it there and was a huge support and Tim's mom made it there just in time for the pushing. I made it to 10 cm by 3:00 a.m. and started pushing. I pushed for a hour and a half and at 4:30 a.m. on November 12, 2007, Emma Grace entered the world with some welcomed cries. The special team of nurses checked her over and gave her an A+ on health and Tim and I were able to hold our baby! It was the most amazing experience I have ever been through. So...that's our story. 20 years from now I can come back and read this and re-live it all over again...which I would do in a second!

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