Monday, September 8, 2008

Early Intervention Evaluation

So three people from Early Intervention (EI) came to our house this morning for Emma's evaluation. They had toys for Emma to play with and were very nice. We all sat on the floor in the living room and watched Emma play. She was not so sure about it at first, but once she warmed up to the people, she actually became a little ham. It was very cute. The evaluation lasted about two hours and the results were great. They use this test that scores Emma on everything, i.e. gross motor, fine motor...and a couple other ones. She scored average in 3 of the 5 categories and above average in the other 2 categories. She scored the highest in fine motor skills (she has the fine motor skills of an 18 month old...pretty cool!)

So, all that to say, she DOES NOT qualify for EI!!!! That was music to my ears. That means that they don't see anything that they feel Emma needs help with. Even the crawling...they did see her get onto all 4's and their prediction is she will be crawling within the next month.

By the end of the evaluation, Emma was talking, playing, jumping...all for the EI people. It was so cute. It was the most social I have seen her with strangers. She even waved bye bye when they left.

I love my genius baby! ;)


Wilson Ramblings said...

that's fantastic!!!!! are you guys bringing emma to the reunion? we're bringing nathan to the game and tour. :)

Dawn said...

Congratulations!!! I know you were so worried, I'm glad it all worked out.

Dawn (Eva's Mom, BBC)