Sunday, June 13, 2010

Neighborhood Cookout

Tim and I have the best neighbors. They have lived on the street forever and took us in when we moved here over three years ago. They are just awesome. Yesterday they bought a pig, pulled out the cooker and invited the whole street over. If you don't know, cooking pig takes all day, so they started at 7 in the morning and kept going until dark. They told me not to bring anything...but, since my parents raised me right, I knew I could not go empty handed. I decided to (make for the first time) and bring fruit salsa. This is something I had at my Aunt's house a while ago and FELL.IN.LOVE with. It's SO yummy!! Here is the recipe I used as a "go by"....but did not follow exactly due to moldy raspberries when I got home.

2 kiwis, peeled and diced
2 Golden Delicious apples - peeled, cored and diced
8 ounces raspberries
1 pound strawberries
2 tablespoons white sugar
1 tablespoon brown sugar
3 tablespoons fruit preserves, any flavor

basically you cut everything up (this takes FOREVER--you want it like chunky salsa) and mix it all is divine!! (and croud pleaser). You serve it with cinnamon crusty bread or pita chips. Yum!

Here they are chopping up the pig...and see the corn on there? yum!
Did I mention how yummy the corn was?

The spread......yum
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