Friday, December 10, 2010

Paw Paw

Paw Paw, my Dad, came for a quick visit today. He lives in Maryland with his wife, Sandi. They are here this weekend to visit and dad came over for lunch today. It's so funny...and I probably say this every time Dad comes to visit, but Emma just loves him. Although I can probably count on two hands the number of times she has seen him in her 3 years of life...she just loves him. They have this connection. And anybody that knows Emma knows that if you don't see her every day then she usually takes some warm up time before she will even answer a question from you or make eye contact. So this is just a sweet relationship I get to see develop between my dad and my baby. My sister, Jessica, and her kiddos were able to make lunch so we had some good family time.

Here are two pictures we took right before dad left. The first is one I took while we were trying to convince Lorelei to take a picture with Paw Paw. This is such a sweet candid photo to me :)

The second picture is a group shot that one of my neighbors was kind enough to take for us. I rarely get in this was a treat!

We love you, Paw Paw! Thanks for the visit.
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