Monday, May 6, 2013

Molly's two year appointment

We had Molly's two year appointment a week or so ago.  I'm just now getting on here to put in her stats, etc.  She did great!  For this visit they had her get on the big girl scale and she got to stand up to do her height.  They also took her blood pressure with this tiny little blood pressure cuff.  That was a new thing the office has started.  The only bad (to her) part of the appointment was getting her blood drawn.  But really....who really likes that anyways?!  Her blood work came back fine.  She did great during the physical exam.  The only part she wouldn't cooperate on was opening her mouth and saying "aahhhh" for the doctor.  After convincing her that was the last thing we had to do and then we could go home, she happily did it.  Stinker! 

Here's her two year stats:
29 lbs (75-90%)  (although we got 27 two weeks prior at a sick visit)
height 33" (25-50%)
head circ 48.5 cm (75-90%)

Compared to Emma at 2 years: 
31.3 lbs (90-95%)
height 34.5" (75%)
head circ 48 cm (75%)
The trend continues of Molly being a little smaller than Emma at the same age.  It's fun to compare!  

We love you, Molly!!  Our sweet, sassy, funny little girl :)

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